Sunday, September 30, 2007


I post again tonight, because I have to relieve some frustration right now.

WHY? (I sob and laugh at the same time while shaking my head)

WHY do they pee in their rooms?
Honestly, the bathroom is 20 steps away and no one is using it?
WHY couldn't I have used a straight face when talking to them and punishing them about peeing in their room?
WHY do they wrestle and want to hurt each other, cry about and then do it again?
WHY is it that I can yell and punish them and they do it again?
WHY, WHY, WHY are boys so gross?
and WHY do I have 4 of them?
AM I being punished?
Is this karma? (i don't really believe in it)
Okay...vent done... I feel better.
I will resume to my mission, if I can even get started.
Emma go to sleep!!!!!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

i am sorry but because it is not me it is happening to it is funny-

i have a problem of laughing when i disipline my kids - they do not take me seriouse until i absolutly blow my top - or till dad tells them to listen to thier mom