Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dog Sick and Scout Camp

Yep, I have been sick.
Sick like a dog sick.
Panting and drooling like a dog sick.
I haven't slept well for a week. Michael has been sick and then all the boys had a sore throat and then I got it. (Jeff feels like he is getting it so there goes another few days of getting nothing done but babying a sick hubby)
I felt like I couldn't breathe.
On top of all that....
I have scout camp.
2 boys to get ready.
2 bags of stuff, 2 flashlights to buy. 2 knives, 2 compasses, 2 more of everything.....
I am glad they get to go together. I would worry about my tenderhearted Nathan.
I am not worried ....okay, i am worried, but it is less now.
I have 2 very excited, wont stop playing with their knives and hats, and flashlights to get ready.
and I have 2 boys that have to make the most disgusting room clean before they go.
They have to clean it so we can find everything to pack.
They are making me yell and lose my voice.
They are making my sick head hurt more.
They are 2 boys I am gonna miss so much.
They are also mad at me for cutting all their hair off.
Jeff said no more summer Mohawk, so I tried to do a buzz cut and they wiggled.
Bye bye hair.(Michael cried at the strangers)
My ears hurt and I have to yell at them.
I have 2 other boys who are so sad the older brothers are going to be gone.....NOT!
I already moved the bi9g boys TV fromt heir room (their room was that gross) to the younger brothers room.
And we have made plans to go to the $3 movies and to a sprinkler park and have a sleep over.
Jeff is being more wonderful then ever.
I am looking forward to not having anything to to do.
I wanna lay around like a dog.
Like a dog that sleeps and sleeps and sleeps.......


The Petty Family said...

Hey, my Nathan is tenderhearted too. It must be the name. I'm sorry you're sick!!! Mom's should never get sick! Good luck with the camp stuff. My Allyson is going to her first year of girls camp next week. She'll be roughing showers, sleeping in tents, rain, mosquitoes, possibly bears...I'm glad we had cabins! Man, we had some good times at girls camp-except when you broke your toe ;)

Katie said...

you know Elizabeth, my toe still hurts and goes numb if I am on my feet too much... which is everyday!
You re right, those were some great days!