Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shopping, and shopping and shopping

This is the time of year, my little ones do not have a regular schedule, they are missing their naps or having mini naps in the car, eating fries and nuggets for lunch because I am .....
I am in now way saying I am not grateful for the money I do have and opportunity to be able to shop.
I am grateful.
But, this is the time of year I have to be sneaky, and savy and a budget-eer. (like a mouse-kteer, but taller and a penny pincher)
I have had the Santa talks, and the what do you want.
I have even had to explain that Santa, although magical and brilliant, he still has to be careful with his budget.
"if he spent a $300 for an xbox 360 elite on every little boy, he would run out of money and would have nothing for next year."
yes, I did.
I had to stress "only 4 things this year, and choose wisely"(3 from mom and dad and 1 from Santa)......
When they ask for something big on there list...."sorry, buddy, but I cant afford to get you and your brothers all a new DS, they are $145 a piece.
Yes, maybe I shouldn't say that to them.
and Yes, maybe I should just me more frugal and start saving money the January before Christmas, (a family of 8, never has that much to save) but I dont want them to think of Christmas as the time to get what ever you want.
Last year we did...
Something they want, something they need, something they wear something they read.
It was brilliant.
I didn't remember that until after I planned and made lists for Christmas.
But this year I have done pretty well. I have a few more things to get.
Today I am ordering some things online.
By a miracle, I got a little extra CASH and am going to have fun spending it.
It is very stressful to shop. You have to buy a certain item, with a certain budget and exactly the right time.
I hate it, but love it all at the same time.

As I get ready to go and shop, I have to keep in mind the families and other children of God who are less fortunate this year.
I am going to start a Helping the Homeless Service Project.
I am collecting back packs, and non perishable food items (like canned tuna and crackers, granola bars, bottled water, gum), and hygiene items. Just to leave in my car, to pass out instead of cash or change.
I want the boys to be able to be a part of it.
So much to do, and the days are running out...
Christmas is almost here.

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