Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Once upon a time....

.... in a far off place, away from all normalness, lived a Queen and ALOT of pee.
This beautiful and wonderfully talented Queen and her King (who worked hours of overtime in the dungeon and never saw this oh so wonderful Queen) had a beautiful Princess... but only after giving birth to FOUR boys in a row. The Queen refused to claim them as Princes, because princes are not that gross.
This blog is the the day to day story of that Oh, so wonderful Queen and her ever hardworking King, their beautiful new baby Princess and their terrific but most of the time gross, four boys.


Amy said...

I am soooo excited that you are up and blogging! I can't wiat to see all the fun stories and beautiful pages on here.

Jennw6kids said...

Wow congrats girlie, have fun I love blogging, cant wait to read your stories!!

Troop 1309 said...

Great name! Love it! Glad to see you bloging!