Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Misson Accomplished... sorta

The good news...
Well, I conquered the mountain with the help from my boys.
Each one had a certain color they were suppose to find out of the pile. I have to get creative or I am all on my own.
They did great.
I stopped actually "folding" the laundry, because what is the point, after I give them the task of taking and putting the laundry in their own drawer it never ever makes it there nicely folded.
In the right drawer is a huge accomplishment all in it's self, but that usually doesn't happen unless I physically do it myself.
I still haven't checked if it made it, but for now it is off the couch and I am happy.
The Bad news...
Our free washing machine we got when we moved into this house broke down. It broke down the day before we had our inspection.
No washer. EEEKK!
I had to have Jeff go to the laundry mat....

Side story: this is how smart I am.
I wondered why it took such a short time at the laundry mat. Jeff was back with in a half hour!
I was thinking, "Oh no! he forgot something".
He brings in the wet laundry..."we still have a dryer Kate!"
Uh Duh...see idiot.

....but at $1.75 to wash a load, we needed a plan.
We were hoping to get it fixed, or buy a used one.
Well everyone else had the same plan and there weren't any used ones. And to fix it ...well, might as well buy a new one.
So we just bought a new one at the little tiny Sears we have in this little tiny town.
Gulp! Happy Birthday to me!
but now I can wash twice as much laundry and half the time.
The ugly news....
I have more laundry to put away.
Stay tuned for another episode of Katie Conquers the Mountain.

1 comment:

gigharborscrapper said...

Ok Katie, I have an idea for you. I went to Target and bought these fabric cubes and I bought a cheap bookcase...2 shelves. I now put Victorias shirts in one, pants in one, undies/socks in one and pjs in one...all four fit on the bookshelf. This allows her to get AND put away her own clothes. Plus the fabric cubes look nice if they are just sitting around while waiting to be filled : ) Each boy could have a color and then of course the princess could have pink. I think they were 2 for $11. I can send you a picture if it would help.
Good luck, wish you were close by, we have about 5 washers in storage always on hand for the rentals!!