Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January Blues - New year - New goals

I have been avoiding blogging.
Shocked aren't you.
It is a new year, a new beginning, a chance to change habits formed last year that were not good for you.
I have a confession.
I am feeling the blues.
Winter blues.....
Okay, let's be real.
I am blue.
I am as blue as a smurf.
I am addicted to a little Smurf game on my itouch I got for my birthday called
Smurf Village.
The reason I started playing it was to lose the DS Lite addiction I had.
I ended up replacing that addiction for this one.
Addicted is used loosely.
It runs my daily schedule.
No, unfortunately, it is soo very true.
No, I realize how I need to kick this habit and focus on my other obsession....
Sounds like a great obsession right, HA!
I have 6 kids.
2 of them are home and hang around mommy all day.
I can't sit on the couch or go to the bathroom with out a buddy.
Yes, it is nice that I am loved and I know I need to enjoy it while they are young....blah, blah, blah...
I am a woman on a mission.
I have to get this house in order and clean and guest friendly.
I have made amends with a certain someone who last summer hurt my feelings.
Now, I forgave this person almost instantly. I understand where this person was coming from. I totally do. I am so over it.
My hunny, well, it is taking him a lot longer to forget. Forgiving is easy. (if you want my secret for forgiveness you have to contact me via email, and I will share)
Forgetting is harder.
I am wearing him down, so I am hoping to see this someone soon, but I gotta get my house ready.
Back to my blues...
I just wanna finish the game and be done and get my house cleaned out. (not in that order, no law out there that says I can;t do both at the same time)
then I can .....
I honestly stopped typing.
Because I have no idea.
What will have have to obsess over when both things are done?

I had to stop and think.
And then force myself to type the next line.
Fine, I guess I will obsess over my husband and kids. Those monsters who broke my broom, for the 21st time.
yes, you read that right.
21 brooms.
(this time I stuck a dowel down the center of the metal broom handle and duct tape the crap out of it. fairly sturdy, it will be hard to break this one)
okay, I have 3 other goals and then I will post on the side of my blog.
As I, complete a goal, the goal will disappear.
Are you ready?
Exercise 4 times a week
Scripture study with my family daily
Personal prayer and personal scripture study every morning and night
A craft project once a week (I am happier when I craft)
No app games until I read to my kids.
Read a book for myself
More attention to my hunny.
No new app games.
Now if you add, organizing the house and finishing my smurf game that is only 10 goals.

Of course, there are more. I have to start with stuff I know I can do.
What are your goals? any craft things you wanna do?
Do share.
I love sharing, it's my favorite.