Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hello, My name is Katie

I am almost 37 years old.
I love sleeping, but do not sleep much.
I am a very creative person.
I always thought I was shy, but I learned I am just afraid.
I hate to talk on the phone. (except for 3 people, you know who you are)
I love shopping for food and things, except clothes. (especially when our budget is large and I can buy things to bake many recipes)
I love to bake. (that is why I am 100+ lbs over weight)
I would rather be at home than anywhere else.
I am a mother of 6 kids. 5 boys and 1 girl. (but not in that order)
I like helping people.
I really like having a clean kitchen, and I don't mind doing it myself.
I hate folding laundry. (that's why there are 4 loads in my family room right now just waiting to be put away)
I love hanging out with Jeff.
I married Jeff 16 years ago.
I think Jeff is awesome. (most of the time...what? He's a boy)
I LOVE the color pink. (but my kitchen is red and yellow, with chickens)
I love to read, but never have time anymore.
I think my boys are the cutest boys ever.
I think my Emma girl is the prettiest little girl ever born.
I hate doing yard work and will probably never have a garden.
I need to find out where my 2 little kids are right at this very moment, but I am not ready to stop blogging.
I challenged myself to read the Book of Mormon before my 37th birthday and I am in Helaman. ( I have 21 days to finish it.)
I am not impressed with most of the movies out there today. (not even the Twilight movies...don't get me wrong, I like them, but I have yet to buy New Moon and I haven't watched my Twilight DVD in over a year)
I often put my foot in my mouth and hurt peoples feelings.
I hate hurting anyone.
I often wallow in worry and self pity when I unintentionally and accidentally hurt someone. (I am there now)
I am avoiding the mess in Emma and Michael's room.
And the mess and Caleb and Sam's room.
And the mess in Matthew and Nathan's room.
I LOVE having my room clean. (yes, it is clean)
I hate making my bed.
I have to think of something for dinner tonight.
I hate the furloughs my husbands paycheck suffers
I miss my extra $500's in my grocery budget. (I have 6 kids to feed)
I have a screaming 1 year old hanging on my computer desk, begging for a nap...or a drink of water. (that cry means a lot of different things)
I am jealous of anyone skinny...or smart...or organized.
I regret all the times I skipped pre-algebra in high school.
I have to go now. (the screaming is getting louder)
I have a head ache.

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