Thursday, October 14, 2010

It takes Magic

I finally got my Internet up and running again. ( I was late on my payment...did I mention I was sick and tired?)
I have been sick with a annoying head/sinus cold and the only thing I wanted to do was sleep. or veg on the Internet.
Since I am a mom and not allowed to do either... I suffered through the last 2 days as....
a mom.
You aren't allowed to be sick when you are a mom, and I know I have complained about this before. So I am annoyed with my self that I am complaining again.

I sat down to look at a cousin's blog and I decided to catch up on every ones blog too.
As I read the posts I got jealous and sad.
I don't have what they have to keep my blog going anymore.
I don't have the magic.
It has to be magic.
And It is not the just the blogs I am talking about.
They have lives, they do stuff. I dont.
I sleep, I cook, and clean, and cook and clean, and then cook and then clean and thend sleep. (I do homework and laundry too.)
I have 2 blogs, I don't blog on either. (so don't worry, you aren't missing out on anything.)
I don't have the time, or the "want" to make the time anymore.
I have mentioned this earlier on a blog post that I LOVE blogs, but I just don't have time.
I am here again, as I listen to the music of my blog, blogging away, complaining about not having time and wondering where you all get your time to blog or even sit at the computer.
Well, share this magic you have! don't be selfish or rude.
Sooo not fair.
I really don't have much to Blog about.
I have 6 kids, and I have a house to keep clean, a husband to keep happy, family to spend my time with, and an obsession with making girly hair clips from flowers and ribbons. (I blame my aunt Kathie,and plus we decided to take our talents and "hair pretties" to a craft fair and try and sell them for some scrapbook supply money..well that is why I want the money, thank you Arnold for taking my fun money from my hubby's check)
My house is far from clean today and it is no where near the organized clean I want it to be.
I know, I have made time to blog, so why am I not cleaning/organizing?
Besides, the fact that it is 12:49 am and every little or big person I have given birth to or for is asleep....this is the only time I can blog.
Did I mention I have 6 kids and a husband? I is tired.
I will sum up.
My house is messy, but clean.
I am busy.
My kids are still alive.
My husband is happy.
Isn't that all that matters?
Now share your magic trick!
how do you do it?


The Petty Family said...

I don't...that's why I am WAY, WAY, WAY behind on my posts and really don't have the desire to catch up. If anyone lets you know what the trick is...PLEASE share :)

Farley Smiles said...

Since I may or may not be the cousin you refer to,(you have a lot of them)I thought I should comment that I think we all feel jealous looking at other people's blogs. We all post the good stuff or the things that are important to us and not necessarily the stuff we are not so proud of! and just so you know, I am jealous of things on your blog...I wish I was as crafty as you and had the patience to spend the time working on things like cute hairbows! I also wish I was as close to the extended family as you are. You seem to always have someone to get together with and are always having such fun times with your family and our other relatives. Anyway, just so you know....

Nancy H. said...

Hi Katie! I still check your blog on occasion. So you want to know what my magic is? Well, my magic is....I don't blog! Duh! And I don't scrap book either. That is why the last picture I put in an album is a prego pic of me with Ethan. None of my children have their pictures in albums. My excuse is, I became a mother and at the end of the day I can stay up for a bit but then I need my mommy sleep. Nuf said right? On top of having to scrap albums for my children and our lives for the past 10 years I have to redo the albums of my childhood, do the one of my husband's childhood, his mission and my mission. That is a lot of catching up to do. Someday... love and miss you!

Jin said...

I'm working with Zicam; for sinus colds, visit for $2 off Zicam Intense Sinus Relief Nasal Gel.