Friday, March 18, 2011


Boys are so gross.
Just a fact I thought was worth sharing.
If you live with 3 or more boys, than you understand.
If not, I am jealous.
I know that someday I will miss the bangs of basketballs on my floor, walls and doors. The shooting sounds of video games from the TV, and lots and lots of dirty, muddy clothes to wash.
Someday I will miss the bags and bags of groceries I have to buy, load and unload from the car. I will miss the dozens of meals I make every week.
And I will miss the loads and loads of dishes I wash.
The fart sounds, and burp contests, the snakes in the sinks, and bugs in the jars.
The piles of Nerf guns and army gear. The yelling and fighting and and squealing for "MOM!" The wrestling and name calling, and crying.
The scrapes and bruises from a tumbled bike ride.
Someday I will miss all of it.
But I don't like it now.
Okay, maybe a little.
But JUST A LITTLE, teeny, tiny, bit.

1 comment:

ruthgalloway said...

Boys are cool... I am so glad it's just AJ! I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like if his "stuff" were multiplied by 5 or 6! One thing about boys though, they LOVE their Mom!! I love the little boy hugs & kisses! Yep, he does smell, but I can handle it!