Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So much to say, so little time

I do have a lot to say.
But it is Tuesday night and Jeff is home and I can only stay as long as it take for me to eat my wonderful dinner.
So...just a couple of base words.
Way of
No joke.
I have been almost carb and sugar free for one week and I feel AWESOME!!!!!!! (i have a cheat day)
If you want to know what I am doing email me privately and I might tell you. lol
okay, times up. We have family movie night.
We are watching Pinocchio.
Maybe it was help with the lying and sneakin' we have been dealing with.
Never owned it until yesterday.
(dont worry, we have late start school tomorrow and we dont start until 9am)

1 comment:

ruthgalloway said...

I love family night! Are you having to deal with "1/2 truths" in your house? AJ is killing me! He seems to think he needs to lie & it's about lame stuff! Not like we won't find out either! Hope you enjoyed the evening! They are few & far between, huh? We are hoping Brian is called off tomorrow night so we can have an evening together as a family before I have to work my 3 nights in a row.