Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am scrapbooking again.

(after you get over the shock that I am posting so soon after the last post, and the fact that I am scrapbooking again....
Yes, it is true.
A hobby, no art, that I was passionate about had returned into my life.
I even cleaned off my scrapbook desk and moved it out from my room and in to the living room.
My fabulous cousin Denise messaged me on Facebook, to make a scrapbook for her son. (it is a surprise, so shhhhhh, he is too busy being a boy, to read my blog, so I am not worried)
I said yes.
On top of going to Girls camp and having A LOT of little projects that goes along with it, I am a mother of 6.
I know with help from Jeff I will be able to get everything done on time.
Plus, I said yes before I knew I was going to Girls Camp.
Cross you fingers and toes, that it all works out.
I would , but I need my fingers to scrapbook.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I am seriously addicted to the TV show LOST.
yes, the very one I used to make fun of.
The very one I teased my sister Sarah about.
Now I am hooked and all I want to do after the kids go to bed is watch it. Jeff and I sit together and watch....sometimes until 1 in the morning.

We finally got the netflix disc for the Wii so we could watch movie instantly.
then for almost a year we had to get the wifi.
I am literally kicking myself....
Yes, it does mean wasting hours and hours time watching TV, but there are movies, i would love for my kids to see.
and the old
Flipper and the Cosby Show.
I wonder if they will ever put the Monkee's on netflix. that would be awesome.... and the Brady bunch.
I am so excited. it is bed time and Jeff is almost home.
Just gotta get on the PJ's and get the house picked up.
I also got a new (well new to me) computer. My uncle Roger knew a guy ready to sell a used one.
I said yes.
So you may see a lot more of me on here again.
After girls camp.
After school is out....hopefully.


I love looking at photography blogs. I am amazed at how one can capture the beauty of anything in a flash....a second....a blink of an eye.
I love to take pictures myself...
okay, I am not as god as most people at taking pictures, but I am not bad.
I just need a more sophisticated camera and one class with a very good photographer.
one like my amazing cousin Felisha Cotrin.
She is soooooo talented.
She lives in Oklahoma, but she is willing to come to California to take pictures if you ask really nice. (well, and pay her too)
She is totally worth it. I would share more of her pictures, but I havent figured out how to make the pictures small enough to load on here.
that, I guess, is one class i will need first.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Very Little time

I barely have time to post this.
I just am so busy. and when I am not, I play the boys DS's for my down time while I listen to my daily dose of Gilmore Girls.

Our vacation was fun. Always more work for the parents (mostly moms) but it was fun. Kids had a blast.
We bought a car about 14 days before we left on vacation.
A 2004 Ford Excursion.
Nick named "the beast" because it is huge and very scary to drive. I am still practicing my parking skills in the back of the parking lot and huffing it to the from of the store. (exercise right)
It is a gas guzzler, but it fits all 8 of us.
I finally got my glasses ordered. So I will be able to see the world the way it is suppose to look like. NOT FUZZY!
I somehow lost my Cell phone.. I know... my other brain!!!!
with the help of my awesome brother I will get it tomorrow. I have been using a temp phone my sister let me borrow, and it has kept me going.
I just dont feel whole!!!!
My Sammy turned 8 and will be baptized soon.
I am now part of the Nursery at church. i am very excited. I love being with those sweet young spirits. What's not to love, Toys, snack, lesson? easy!
I am currently working on Girls camp with my Aunt. and it almost consumes my life.
My meds are working as long as I take my meds everyday.
I figured out I have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) and having a hard time falling asleep. I get my meds soon.
Hopefully That will take care of my sleeping problems which will give me more energy so I can start getting ready to do phase one of my new life.... a marathon.
don't laugh.....not tooo loud anyway.
I will lose this hefty weight and I will run in a marathon. I WILL!!!!
After I fulfil that dream, I will learn to drive a car like an CIA agent or ...FBI!
I am tired and of not doing stuff.
Oh, i forgot ablut Salsa Dancing.... or surfing....or ......