Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Matthew and Mother-in-Law

A new post I decided to start.
It is all thanks to this wonderful month of Thanksgiving.
But I also wanted to do it to help remind myself of the things I am truly grateful for.

I am grateful I have my son Matthew.
He is 14 almost 15 years old. (man, I feel old)
He is such a great kid.
He has ADD and something else, we are going to have him tested, if only to get a name for his unique yet frustrating thing he has.
He is so fabulous with little kids.
I can trust him to give Emma and Michael a bath. He doesn't complain and he loves it. I think he has more fun than they do.
He loves black...mostly clothes and not for any dark reason, just a phase.
Somedays, he makes me feel like a great mom.
I am grateful for the things he has taught me and for everything he is.

My Mother-in-law has been over twice this week.
Which if you knew me 16 years ago, you would not believe me.
I do. She is wonderful.
Jeff left town Halloween night to join his Father in North Carolina, to help fix up the house they own out there. They have been renting it out for years....20+ years.
It has gotten so bad from the last renters they have to fix it up and sell it. (the previous renter was deployed and his wife did not take care of the place)
My mother-inlaw has been here FOLDING MY LAUNDRY.
Yes. She washed,dried and then folded it.
You should see the beautiful stacks of laundry sitting on my couch.
I dont even want to move it. It willnever be the same. It will never be as nice.
She has done my least favorite chore.Several times!!!!!
She graciously came over just to help me out.
Thanks Mom, I love you.
She knew I would be overwhelmed with out Jeff here. And she was right.
I am so grateful for her and my father-in-law. With out them, I would not have the husband I have, and the life and family that I do have.
Now, go back to your blog and post what you are grateful for.

1 comment:

The Petty Family said...

What a wonderful idea! If I can get my act together...I may have to use it:) I'm SO far behind I may have to start having "Time-warp Tuesdays" AND "Flashback Fridays". I hope all goes well with Matthew!