Saturday, December 22, 2007

Over the river and through the woods....

... to Grandmothers house we go.....
We leave in four hours.
I only have a one more bag to pack. And a few sleeping bags to wash. We have to sweep and vacume the house and load up the van.
I stayed up until 2 am wrapping presents.... I was surprised how little there was.... But we spent on big ticket items that are little.
The presents are packed safely and taped up for no peeking.

Did I mention I am so excited? Almost like the feeling I get when I am about to go on a roller coaster ride at Disneyland. I am anxious and excited. And I feel like I have to pee.

Christmas is gonna be great this year.
I just can't wait.
My Mom and Dad are in Florida, so we have no one to welcome us when we arrive. but it will be fine. They come home from Florida on Monday night. We have to drive their car to the airport and drop it off and then we go to the In-laws for a Christmas feast. Which just happens to be over by the airport.
My dad took his computer to work, he didn't want anyone breaking in to their house while they are gone and stealing it so I will have no computer until after Christmas. What will I do? I will post pictures as soon as I can.

So I will tell you now.... that I hope you all have a Merry Christmas.

I know I will.

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