Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still Busy

I am so busy.
I also hate my computer.
I don't have time to wait for it to do what it does to get ready for me.
I am getting ready for our one and only vacation this year.
We are headed to the beach with Jeff's parents. They rented a house.
I was keeping it a secret from the boys, but I need help from them to get ready.
I have lists.
I have list for my lists.
I am trying to slowly work on everything so I am not slammed on Saturday.
So excited.
It is almost 8 PM and I have not made dinner..... again.
I am still fighting depression.
I refuse to be depressed, but I am really sensitive.
I broke a door last night and shamefully used a few colorful swear words at Jeff because I spilled my ice water on the couch.
I decided to cool off and go for a drive.
(I didn't mention Mikey had woken up and was just screaming and would not calm down and go back to sleep)
I was hoping for words of comfort from Jeff and a hug. (when will men learn, sometimes we just want a hug)
But he made a rude comment and I left.
I killed to birds with one stone.
I hit Wendy's for some comfort food...a Wendy's chocolate frosty and fries...(yes I got some for Jeff)
and I got Mikey back to sleep, which he proceeded to sleep all night!
Now the door doesn't close all the way unless you make it shut.
Oh well, I admit it...I have a temper sometimes.
I wont go into to the mundane reason for my complaining to Jeff for a hug and got a fight out of it instead.
He texted me and said he was sorry.
I m doing good.
But I am just so stinkin' busy.

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