Thursday, January 3, 2008

I hate it when the power goes out.

I like this town, I do.
I would rather live in Sacramento, with my family, but I do like this town.
I hate it when every winter the power goes out.
Last winter it was out off and on for a few days.
this last time was 4 hours.
I freaked out!
I don't know why.
Maybe it was because I felt I had zero control over everything.
Maybe it was because I had made plans for the day to clean out my kitchen and didn't get to.
Maybe it was because Jeff was home and I could lose it.
Jeff was gone the last few years at work when the power was out and I had to be in control and not lose it in front of the kids.

Tonight I just wanted to cry and pull out my hair.

We need to be more prepared next time. It will happen again. it always does.
This week we will have to get the BBQ tank and fill it and get flash lights for everyone. and a few more candles.
and totally fix a cover/screen for the fireplace so we can heat the house.
make sure we have ice in the freezers and keep our cell phones fully charged.

see listening to the prophet to be prepared is a good idea.


Troop 1309 said...

I am glad I missed the power going off! My hubby and kids had to endure it, lol. I am glad the storm hasn't been bad at all. The predictions were not nice, so it was great to see just 4-5 inches of snow vs a few feet. Stay warm, I hope you all feel better soon!

Danielle said...

LOL how long has the prophet been telling us to be prepared?? LOL just teasing

our power only flickered a couple of times but it goes off quite often in this town huh - so we have a genorator- it can run a few things if needed but not the whole house - we usually just plug the tv into it LOL

get some cheap candles from wallys you know the piller ones for like 5 bucks each and have those on hand and a couple of flash lights that are hidden from husbands and kids ( only problem with that is if you remember where you hid them LOL ) the hard part for me is no internet and microwave LOL

have fun in the snow

Troop 1309 said...

'get some cheap candles from wallys you know the piller ones for like 5 bucks each and have those on hand and a couple of flash lights that are hidden from husbands and kids ( only problem with that is if you remember where you hid them LOL ) the hard part for me is no internet and microwave '

That is what I had to do, hide everthing, lol. I put flashlights, candles, and a new fireplace lighter in a box. Its marked and on a high shelf in the garage. When the storm predicitons were made, I brought the box in the house and stuck it on the fridge.

I can't tell you how many flashlights my kids have broke the past few years. I think most flashlights get broken the same day the kids find them, lol.