Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh my aching back!

So the beginning of this week Jeff put his back out.
Long story short... he was shoveling snow at work.. ( I know, why don't they make the inmates do it) the shovel was not a good shovel and then the next day he had to assist in tackling an difficult inmate to the ground.
His back was fine, very sore, but fine until Monday morning when he went to pick up Emma in her car seat, that is when his back went out.
After a doctors visit and getting paper work set for work he is off work and at home sitting around taking cat naps.
Lucky dog.... okay so he is on meds and can be in a lot of pain, maybe not so lucky.
But if only when my back went out I would have the free time to sit around and do nothing.
I really do feel bad for Jeff and I am trying my best to help him in every way.
he works hard in a deplorable place, just so we have all the things we need.
I am just slightly jealous.
When my back hurts I still have to function and take care of people and work.
Maybe I am having sympathy pains for Jeff, because my back is killing me.
Oh, baby is crying, I guess I need to get back to work.
Can I take a break today?
I guess not.
I am the mom.
We don't get breaks.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I wish there was a place for us mom's to go when we are sick or in pain. Couldn't we call our mom's and say," Mom, i'm not feeling so good. I'm coming home from work so I can get better." Lets see how well the men handle that! HA HA!!