Sunday, January 27, 2008

the weather... and our drama..

I can't even describe the weather right now...
Okay I can.
It is like a slushy snow storm.
This morning we awoke to 4 inches more of snow.
And it is still snowing.
Having a little mini van with balding front tires we figured church was not happening for us.
We decided Jeff and Matthew should go and He planned on taking his 4-runner.
The rest of us watched Noggin on TV. I sat looking out at the snow, and I decided we could all go. We should all go.
Right before Jeff left to take Matthew to church, we decided to give it a go. Jeff would have to make 6 trips in the 4-Runner. All of us taking a turn. We would bum rides from ward members to get us all home. But we were determined to go to Church.
We heard the plows driving down the street and with a relief knew it was okay to drive the Van to church.
We only decided this 20 minutes before church. But we made it and we all were glad we went.
As Church finished, the sun came out and the rain came down.
It rained off and on the rest of the day.
But Now as I type the snow has return with a force.
and now we are in fear of the power going out.
I am gonna try and take pictures of the snow tomorrow.
I can post the pictures, so you can see...the drama...
that is... if the power is still on.

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