So as I sit here at the computer, looking at my blog, knowing I have something really profound and worth while to share ...I can' head s starting to hurt just from trying to remember what i wanted to share....nope... nothin'... my mind is a complete ....
No joke.
I may need to call a doctor.
I need more sleep.
I have been a scatter brain since I was born but this is getting ridiculous.
I know it is the lack of sleep.
I have been here before.
Caleb was 3 and Sammy was almost 18 months and I didn't sleep much.
We had a hard time keeping them in bed all night.
But we got a slight break when before Emma was born.
I remember getting the boys off to school and then hiding under the covers with Sammy while he watched TV. I would snooze in and out.
It was my nap.
Oh the days!!!!
We lived in Susanville, and I didn't have much to do.
I was depressed and home sick, and hadn't figured out how to keep me 3 bedroom house clean. (I had a tiny 3 bedroom apartment before and the house was way harder to take care of.)
I just don't see a light at the end of this tunnel.
I am sooooo tired I forget almost everything important.
I have a notepad to write everything down.
I forget to write it down on the notepad.
and when I do remember, the notepad gets lost and/or destroyed or I forgot to check my notepad or where i put it.
vicious cycle.
I got distracted.
Once again ,by life and my new weakness.
My boys DS's and a game called Touch Master 1 and 2.
If I have to sit on the couch and watch TV with Mikey, because he wants cuddle time, I can endure 30 minutes of the mind numbing repetition of cute little cartoon characters singing and being so happy, then I want to run from the room screaming.
I grab the DS and play. Everyone is happy.
It helps me relax at night and I usually fall asleep while playing it.
I guess I will try again tomorrow from something new and fabulous to say.
Maybe even inspiring.
Just a thought... I love spell check. I am grateful for the person who invented spell check. I am not a bad speller, mostly just punctuation. (I even had to use it on that very last word)
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