Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the day has just begun...

and i want a magic spell to turn back time and freeze it while i sleep some more.
sleep is not a ... umber one priority in my life. i could go a whole day on 4 hours.
no it is not smart but it is what i HAVE to do. i don't get to pick.
Now that my left had is free I can type with both hands and maybe use capital letters where they belong.
Holding sweet princess Emma and typing is never easy. She is singing now, but it won't last, never does.
Since I have been awake today I have ...well done nothing. I did get dressed and eat food, and start more laundry. The wonderful King of this house hold, my sweetheart, Jeff, got all the boys ff to school, made me food, clean a nasty diaper and ever got the princess dressed today. He is now off to dream land. He works night at the local dungeon and has to sleep most of the day.
Sleep... lucky dog.
Today is filled with a grand adventure. I get to fold laundry, wash laundry and fold it again. I also get to wash dishes and even... you'll be jealous... I get to help with homework, that everyone will complain about, supervise chores, that everyone will complain about, and I get to make a fantastic dinner, that everyone will complain about.
Wait... am I the Queen queens do house work and homework?

1 comment:

Troop 1309 said...

LOL Katie!!! I love the name and layout!!! Very cute!!