Sunday, September 23, 2007

I should be in bed right now...

*deep sigh*
I do that alot. if I don't, I might explode.
Today was a very fun and very lazy day.
My wonderful husband let me sleep in. Which really means there is just more mess to clean up when I do get up. But it was worth it. I needed it badly.
We watched DVR'd episodes of one of our favorite shows on TV. Eureka on the Sci-fi channel.
The best. Very funny. I recommend it to anyone.
and that is pretty much it.
We rearragned the furniture in our bedroom because...
Our land lord wants to have a walk through next week. We were going to spend the whole day cleaning, but we realized that I am amazing.
I am.
I swear.
The house is not too bad. I need to wash the ever dirty walls. but I am very smart and will wait until the day before to do that, along with deep cleaning the boys bathroom.
Because what is the point.
They are boys.
They are gross.
They will get it dirty.

*Big giant yawn*
I am one tired Mama.
Oh, I did get to play dress up, it is my all time favorite thing to do. I got to put on little tiny panty hose. I am looking forward to church just so she can wear her panty hose with the frilly fanny, and little black shoes.

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