Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Well, where do i begin....
it has been a long day and I didn't get much done.
This morning was long and cold and tedious. Emma just didn't want me to put her down.
Sammy just wanted to play, and I just wanted to sleep.
Sleep is my favorite word.
I should go to bed, but I have been waiting for everyone to go away so i can have my very own, no one else is gonna have Rootbeer float.
Tomorrow is another long day.
  1. boys off to school by 7:20am for the bus.
  2. breakfast and dishes that didn't get done tonight, because I ran out of hot water tonight after Caleb and Sam took a bath.
  3. then laundry... the worst (i would rather clean a boys toilet than put away and hang up laundry)
  4. lunch and wake up jeff from is nap.
  5. Plan dinner for the missionaries.
  6. Go to store for dinner for the missionaries.
  7. Parent teacher conference for caleb
  8. Jeff off to Dentist (I guess I should make some thing soft for Jeff, huh?)
  9. Chores and homework after school.
  10. Dinner with the missionaries.
  11. Boys off to bed.
  12. Planning the next day.

yes, my life is boring.

But I like it.

Okay most of the time I like it.


Danielle said...

hey where is your scrap time in that schedule??

MYHowderFamily said...

Hello Katie
This sounds like most of our days! Hope all is well. Fall has hit the air here in North Carolina. Blog looks great. Yvonne