Sunday, September 30, 2007

Woman on a mission

Okay, I have something I have been avoiding for days.
I keep saying I am gonna get to it and I just don't wanna.


I call it Mt. Bigney.
It is the huge laundry pile we all live out of, because I HATE TO FOLD THE LAUNDRY.
I would rather clean a BOYS toilet then fold laundry.
This mountain of laundry is clean and off the floor.
Yes, it is on the couch and chair.
Where does every one sit?
Well, we don't have much company...(I think they are afraid of the hooligans that keep following me home)
And as for the Hooligans, they can sit on the floor. (they are probably dirty anyway.)
I have a nice comfy recliner I sit in with the baby when I have to feed or rock her. Which unless I am feeding or rocking her I don't get to sit in it at all. (too much to do I guess)
I sometimes share the recliner with Jeff, but he usually just moves the mountain over to the side a little and sits on the couch. (he is so strong, he can move mountains, he's a dream boat!)

Why am I sharing this with you, you ask?
Well, I am now on a mission to conquer the mountain and put it all away.
If I say it out loud and let the public know that I need to get this done, the world (tee hee) will wonder if I fulfilled my mission.
I Katie Bigney will concur this mountain tonight.
I will have it folded and hung up and all put away by morning.
(say a few prayers for me, that Emma and the boys will go to bed a decent hour)
If you don't hear from me in a few days, send a search party!!!!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

hello your kids are old enough to fold thier own girl!!! i make mine do it LOL -

i am a horrible mean mom i know but heck i do not want to stand around and fold laundry all day either