Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tasty Tuesday - Rookie Cookie

Okay, I tried out a recipe yesterday to post......and I hated it.
Well only half of it.
It was a dessert cookie bar recipe. And I only like the crust part and only in moderation. (I will be trying the crust part of the recipe again next week for a recipe I am inventing)
But I am not a fan, so I am not sharing it here.
I feel so jipped.
I wasted all those ingredients.
I hate that.
Especially when we are so broke.
But the boys ate it, which is not saying much since they will eat almost anything that is sweet.
I had to post a recipe.
Instead I am giving you a link.
This blog is amazing. It makes my recipes look like garbage.
It is called ROOKIE COOKIE. (click on the word Rookie Cookie for the direct link)
She is funny and has some great recipes.
Right HERE is the recipe Index if you just want to look at those and not her other blog stuff.
If you check her out, let me know what recipe you are going to try out and let me know if it is good.
I wanna try the Over Night Cinnamon Rolls...OR..The Greatest Guacamole Ever ...OR....A Sunny Thursday...OR...pretty much everything.
I am so impressed with this Blog she is going over to the right side among my list of favorite bloggers.

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