Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Baby is at Scout camp!!!!

My oldest Matthew is at Scout camp for a week.
I have a love/hate relationship with this dumb idea that they need to go away for a week.
Yes, I know.
It will help Matthew mature. He needs this to get scout stuff done. He is 12 and a half. He will be fine.
But he doesn't think like most 12 and a half year old boys think. He is a little..... okay a lot A.D.D. And he is medicated. He doesn't think... at all sometimes.
My mother called form the Caribbean and I told he the stupid things he had done just a few days before this trip to camp and she told me that "all 12 year old boys are....... STUPID.
He will be fine amongst other STUPID boys."
Thanks Mom, but it didn't make me feel better.
All these horrible things raced through my head.
If all of them are stupid then all of them will either kill each other or them selves.
How am I going to make it through the week f not knowing if he is okay.... or not. I mean I know they will call, and every time the phone rings I am just waiting for it to be his scout leader telling me there is something wrong.
You know I did the math.... If all four of my boys go to scout camp every year, and they will all go 7 times each, then I will be doing this 28 times.
That is 14 years of Scout camp straight.
That is a lot of Scout Camp.
This is just the beginning!
Poor Sam, by the time it gets down to him, I won't worry at all..... okay you are right . It is Sam, I will worry more than anyone.... even Matthew.
I am kicking myself that I didn't get up to get a picture of him with his pack on. Emma was sick and not feeling good at all so I missed it. Jeff got a picture of him with Matthew's camera but I won't see it until we get the film developed. (I didn't trust him with a digital camera)

Well, he is very well missed, and not just by me.
Sammy keeps asking where Matthew is and when he is coming home.
Nathan has been cranky all day.... oh wait... that is normal and Caleb... well they all miss him. they hate having to help with his chores.
I miss that he can help me with Emma. She does miss him.
Jeff hasn't said much, but I think he misses him too.
I really miss him.
I will go now and not sleep.... do you think he is okay?

1 comment:

Troop 1309 said...

Hang in there! He will have a great time!