Friday, October 12, 2007

3 Words

Okay 3 words will describe my day yesterday.
root canal
chicken pox
car in shop
Okay so it was more than 3 words. but those 3 things happened to me yesterday.
I am enjoying my time with my husband watching our Favorite TV show "Heros" when the dentist called to ask if I was on my way.
*eek* I totally forgot. I did. Who wants to remember a root canal?
In the middle of this root canal, Jeff calls my cell which I had in my pocket... just in case...and tells me that the school called home and Nathan has Chicken pox. I need to come home and we need to get him.
Ummm.... middle of root canal.... roots exposed.....mouth wide open and very numb....
Jeff had to call the school and explain where I was and why he didn't have an infant seat for baby.
I had it... in the van... at the dentist.
So... rush, rush finish the rest of the root canal and practically run over anyone in the way out of the dentist office and over to get him, sign him out and get him home.
I called my Mom, (she is the most brilliant, the wisest and the smartest person I know) and she gives me the low down on what to do and all the 411 on having the chicken pox.
Long day and it was only noon.
the rest of the day was fine until our car had to be taken in for a few things. We thought for surely we could go get more milk after we got the car back.
It was still there when the shop closed at 5pm.
If the boys had not made them selves so much chocolate milk we would have had plenty of milk for breakfast.
Jeff had to take his barely running 4-runner out for milk. Poor thing.
With my mouth un-numbing by the hour... I did not feel like making dinner.
So left over chicken stew and chicken patty sandwiches. Yum!
That was my day.
Now, as I read back, yesterday doesn't seem so bad, and it is wasn't.
It sure felt like it at the time.
Did I mention Emma is cranky and i didn't get to clean anything either?
I will survive.
I will quote Scarlett O'Hara from the movie Gone with the Wind,
" After all...tomorrow is another day"


Danielle said...

well congrats on gettting a new washer!! and getting the laundry done LOL

and for scrapping- something that i have NO time for lately

and chicken pox wow did he not get the vacination for it - how many other people in town have it LOL oh germs in this town don't you love how they spread like wild fire

Troop 1309 said...

I feel for you! Both my kids have had chicken pox two times, so much for the darn vaccination!!! Hey you, you know you have friends in town who would have gone to pick up your chicken pox kid! Pick up the telephone lady!

That was the day I saw you leaving, you looked way too happy to go to the dentist, lol.