Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekend Woes

Friday was fun.
Matthew had a meeting with his teachers, or Jeff and I did. He is doing well, not great, but we are trying some new vitamins and some new strategies, so maybe that will help.
On our way out of the school, Sam and Nathan (who still has the chicken pox) decide to run to the play ground. Jeff and I take Emma to the car and I went to get them. I figured a few minutes on the play ground aren't bad. Nathan got grounded for not listening and then I had to chase Sam. I pulled a muscle in my back earlier that day so I didn't want to chase Sam. I went to get Jeff, and left Sam at the basketball hoops.
30 seconds, seriously.
Sam wasn't there when Jeff got there. While I was going to the car, Sam went the other way around the office instead of in front and then into the parking lot where he was almost hit by a car.
yes. "WOE"
We had no idea this was happening. I was taking care of Emma and waiting for Jeff to come back to the car.
Five minutes later.
I re-parked the van and listened to my gut, grabbed Emma and went into the office.
There he was.
Guilt, guilt, guilt.
Jeff surprised me and didn't yell at him. Sam did look very scared and upset. I guess that was good enough for now.
He got a good long time-out when we got home.
I went scrapbooking, with out baby.
But nothing I wanted to happen this weekend happened, except for one thing.
Jeff mopped my floor.
I am not sure how it happened. I was cleaning the boys bathroom (yes it took that long) and I came out and it was done.
I mentioned I wanted to get to it.
And mind you, mopping the floors on the weekend is just pointless.
The boys have to play outside or the fighting begins.
And since it is fall...wet fall day+4 boys = mud.
Which means I get a muddy dirty floor. No matter how many times I clean it.
SO I give up on the weekends unless we are having someone over for dinner. (which frankly never happens, I mean, who would want to come over here? I don't want to be here most of the time.)
But we were in fact having the missionaries over for dinner.
Or so we thought.
I talked to the Elders the Sunday before and we picked a time for dinner, they didn't write it down so I guess they forgot.
I am sooo not complaining.
I made a nice dinner and the house got really clean. (Not that you can tell right now)
It's all good.
Sunday brought a crazy getting ready for church morning and ended with a very fussy young lady. Miss Emma is teething and not happy at all.
Poor baby.
Church was good. I didn't get to hear much of it. I was with Emma in the hall way. but I did get to listen and peek in on the practice of Primary Presentation. The kids are so cute.
My poor boys don't know much of the songs. We have missed so many Sundays since Emma. I just can't do all 5 by myself. and if Jeff is forced to work overtime... well I am on my own.
We have also had a very busy summer..... okay no more excuses.
We missed a lot... I am gonna try harder to do it alone.
If I sum up all the woes of my weekend...
  1. Pulled muscle
  2. School Meeting
  3. The chase of Sam
  4. Emma teething
  5. Parental guilt...
"woe' I hope that doesn't happen next weekend...
It is my birthday next weekend.

1 comment:

gigharborscrapper said...

Ok, have you see the swiffer/vac? It has saved my life. You can swiffer and vaccuum at the same time. I live with that thing 2-3 times a day. I only do the wet swiffer every few days but man this is an amazing tool. It doesn't tell you that you can use a wet pad but I do and it doesn't hurt anything....I got mine for about $30 at Target.