Friday, October 26, 2007

Okay so tomorrow is...

my birthday.
Weird. 34 years old. That happened faster than it feels like.
I guess I am young at heart. (Not that I am old.)
I love my birthday, but it isn't going to be the same as before.
My birthday in Sacramento consisted of me getting breakfast in bed, Jeff would have the day off, and then I would do nothing all morning but take a long bath and take my time getting ready for lunch with my mom.
I wouldn't even have to change a dirty diaper or lift a finger to clean anything.
My Mom would pick me up or I would meet her somewhere and we would shop and go to lunch and sometimes see a movie. Then it is back home for Jeff to take me out to dinner and maybe another movie.
Some years in the past have been less than that because of funds, but it would most likely be just as nice.
Then the following Sunday mom would make my favorite dinner... just for me.
I was spoiled I know... this year is just different.
I do get the royal treatment from Jeff. I get dinner cooked by him and the night off.
This is gonna be great.
I will almost feel like the Queen of birthdays.
The best part of my birthday.... I get to go to Sacramento!!!!!
Some families go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas , but we go home for Halloween.
It is a big deal.
Lots of things are happening in October.
  • Birthdays out the wahhzoo.
  • Sister Sarah is due to have a baby boy...any minute now
  • Brother Shane and his wife Jami and their kids are coming to Sacramento to visit from Florida.
  • We get to go to Sacramento for Halloween to trick or treat like we did before. My mom is expecting 1000 trick-or-treaters. (yes, you read that right) Last year was 900 or so, and they added more whoopla in their front lawn. I can't wait to see.
  • And we get to see Shane and Jami and the kids.
I am sooo excited.

I am such a lucky girl.

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