Monday, October 8, 2007


Okay, after you get your minds out of the gutter...
Tee hee... I'm just kidding.
My life is dirty.
The boys are dirty and the floors are dirty and the walls are dirty, and their room is dirty.
I feel like everything in this house is dirty.
Believe it or not... I do clean.
And I clean, and I clean... I never stop cleaning, (except to blog of course) and I clean.
It feels like I am never going to get caught up.
Some people may think I don't clean, they may think I sit around and sit at my computer and chat all day.
Well, I don't.
I stay up most nights cleaning and when I have had it with everything I sit at my blog and type what is on my mind.
Alright, vent over.
Back to the dirt.
Will it ever end?
I know it won't, but I asked anyway.
Will I ever feel like I can keep it up again?
Maybe when Emma is older and takes longer naps during the day.
Emma is very demanding and that keeps me up late at night.
She isn't the one up screaming.
No while she sleeps, I clean.
No one but me knows the truth.
My house is clean when no one is awake.
Just call me fairy.


David and Janalee said...

I hear ya sister! Boys =dirt and mobile girly girls =*cute* dirt! I never stop cleaning either maybe if I would I would stop buying scrapbook products (to dust off occasionally) and use them making ~top secret~ LO's! Hope you get published.

Troop 1309 said...

Hang in there. When the boys are grown and gone and your house is sparkling clean, you will fondly remember those late cleaning sessions and wish you were at that point of life all over again.