Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I feel old.

Maybe this is too much information. But I have to tell someone.
I am coming up close on my 34 birthday.
I am not afraid to say it.
I am proud of my age.
Well... until I think about my boys and growing up.
This, what I am about to tell you, is sooo something they don't tell you when you and your husband lovingly look into each others eyes and decide to have a baby.
They don't tell you that they will grow up and do things.
And why don't they tell you?
I know why, because you won't believe them anyway... I am pretty sure my Dad warned me.
My 2 oldest sons found a Medical book and with the giggling of sweet innocence, found out what girls and boys will look like in a few years.
With no clothes on.
What do you do? What do you say?
I tried to keep a straight face and all I could say was, "Oh yeah, I knew about that." (because they really don't think I already know this stuff. I am just a Mom after all)
"That will happen to you." I said. "But the boys stuff not the girl stuff" still trying not to laugh and run to Jeff who was asleep.
They laughed and said "Really?" They looked at each other and laughed.
I said "Yep" still trying not to laugh and cry.
They both said "Cool" and "sweet"
I I think I am going to hide the book.
Okay maybe I won't hide it, but I will make sure it stays on the book shelf.
I am not ready for this.

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