Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Sunday Story: Boys and Crying

It started out very quiet.
They all slept in except Emma.
They all had a very good breakfast of eggs and bacon.
Matthew would not take his medicine.
So since he is the oldest, he sets the tone. He can not listen. (if you do not have a kid with ADD, then you won't fully understand)
He can't.
I have to scream at him to get his attention. (I hate that)
All the boys were already ignoring me and would not get ready.
But Matthew with out his meds is worse.
There was lots of yelling by everyone.
After finally getting his meds in him, we finally started getting ready.
Yeah, at 11:00am....when Sacrament meeting starts.
Emma dressed, Caleb dressed, Nathan and Sammy dressed.... all that was left was me and Matthew.
I had to close and lock my door. None of my children could be nice to each other. Emma was even being a stinker.
I had to pray. And cry.
I truly felt as if I had failed.
Failed at everything.
Mom, wife, friend, person, daughter....human being.
I wanted to run away and never come back.
I didn't.
The kids in the nursery needed me to show up. I HAD to take the to church. I told them I didn't care if they wanted to go or not (even if I really didn't wanna go) we were going.
I got ready and we all went to church, knowing all the while, my oldest hated me and want to run away. (long stupid story over a white long sleeve shirt)
By the time we got to church his meds kicked in and the boys had finally figured out Mom was really mad. (you know cause the crying and screaming and grounding wasn't quite showing them Mom was mad)
I feel sorry for Moms with more than four boys.
It is really hard.
Really really hard.
If being pregnant and hormonal wasn't enough.
I have thought and thought what all this extra yelling and crankiness was all about. (from the boys)
I think it is us getting used to being home...away from Grandma's Susi's house.
Her house is fun. Dad does most of the cleaning (he is just faster than me) the boys hardly have to do anything...but play.
It will change after we get a transfer....we will stay at my parents for a few weeks until we find a place.
They will be treated just like here....slaves...tee hee.
The day is looking up.
Old classic and older Disney movies and I have peace and quiet.
I could blame it all on the movies, but I know the Lord heard my cries....I guess He doesn't think I have failed.
That gives me hope.
Hope that next week will be better.


Kasi said...

I feel like I am failing lately too. And I think Emily has ADD. How can you tell? She can't even focus on my long enough to tell her why she's in trouble. What meds is Matthew on? Do you like them?

Julie said...

My husband has ADD and I fear we have a chance of having a child with it too. I may be coming to you for advise if that happens...just warning you now! ;)