Thursday, July 16, 2009

Boys, Less noise...

That is a phrase straight from the Disney Classic Peter Pan.
The Father walks into the "nursery" as the boys are playing and that is his way of telling them to be quiet..or settle down.
You can tell he doesn't spend much time with his boys. He leaves it up to the dog, Nana.
If only. A dog in charge. You only have to pay in dog treats and chew toys.
Part of my point of this is, today Jeff was home.
He is NOT a stay at home Dad, nor would he survive as one.
He is a "discipline first, ask questions later" sort of Dad.
No wonder he doesn't enjoy his days off as much.
I posted a message to a friend today on facebook.
She told the story of her little boy peeing in the trash the bathroom.
Why do they do stupid non-logical things like that?
I dunno, but my message to my friend was...
"I think boys skipped the "think logically" class in heaven."
Why would they want to pee in the trash can?
Why would mine want or need to pee in the tub...when the toilet is RIGHT THERE!?
I do have more point to this post than I have stated so far.
Today was a get it done day.
We were suppose to make a list and get it done.
It started out....get the chores done and then on to the list...
Well, I asked my 2 very bored, getting on Dad's nerves, 6 and 8 year old boys to wipe the base boards of the hallway and walls, (which I can not reach without having pain) and the fight began.
Jeff, not having enough patience to find out why they are fighting went straight to threatening.
I had to be the peacemaker.
They were fighting over the spray bottle. The cleaner.
I asked Jeff to make another one. "Why?" He asked.
I said, "why not? They are cleaning aren't they?"
Pretty soon, I had 4 spray bottles and 5 people cleaning while I folded laundry on the floor in the living room.
Jeff cleaned up the kitchen and supervised the boys as they cleaned every surface they could spray.
NOTE TO SELF: Go to Walmart buy each child a spray bottle in their color. Maybe even a rag to go with it
I was amazed at how fast my house got cleaned. I hardly lifted a finger.
We attempted to have them clean their room, which by now you would think, with only a small card board box full of toys, no dressers or beds, (just mattresses on the floor...check a previous post, we are moving) you would think, they couldn't mess it up.
Well, they can and they do.
Total pig sty.
Not only that, it took them hours to get it done and all we heard was noise and fun.
Which I know is normal, I used to do it. It is not just a boy thing.
I have very fond memories with my sisters, cleaning our room for hours, not really even cleaning.
Ahhh, those were the days.
Okay, back to the boys.
I can handle it. The noise and fun you hear when they clean...Jeff can not.
I think it is due to the fact he grew up way different. He was an Army brat.
Jeff has to yell and yell even louder. I know his blood pressure gets higher.
It is really the end of the world if the boys have a clean room or not?
It is the end of the world if they are noisy and having fun while "cleaning"?
Could there be less noise?
Boys are weird, funny, smelly, ornery, not as easy as you would think, kind of creatures.
They can ALWAYS make a game out of any and every tiny or big thing.
They are easily entertained.
They think they are hilarious.
They are my favorite.
I thought I would hate the summer with my boys home from school, but I am actually enjoying it.
Everyday is loud. Everyday involves dirt and grossness.
I know it is just going to happen.
I only ask them for helping me with Emma and the chores.
I could ask for silence, but lets be real.
Boys and silence just can not go together. (something I think they teach to all boys in heaven)
They just do not know how to be silent.
So, for the rest of the summer, all I am going to ask for is less noise.
P.S. No, we did not get to the list.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey girl, loved your write on boys! How about the boy that has his own room and still takes hours to make his bed, organize desk and sweep the floor? Bedrooms are time warps. If I really want it to go faster I go to the $1 store, get candy, and set the timer for 30 minutes. Works every time!

Loved, loved, loved the Harry Potter movie. the Weasley home was breathtaking. It was different from the book, but it worked. There was screaming at the end by a few HP fans, but I think the movie has a different purpose than the book. It doesn't need to perfectly match--different art form. It only needs to entertain.