Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sorry, I am away in Forks, WA.

If You are not fans of the twilight series books then you will not get it.
I am currently deep in to the second book.
I also have my regular duties as a wife and a mother.
I am not feeling very good either.
I have been really busy and pretty much lost in Forks, WA.
I am kinda sad I am still in it.
I used to read a thick book like this one in a few days.
Yes, I have five kids.
But that never bothered me before.
Yes, I have a household to run.
But that never bothered me before either.
I guess this is what it feels like when you finally grow up.....
I don't like this.
Growing up is stupid.

1 comment:

Kasi said...

yeah, growing up sucks.