Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nancy Heffner ...You're my hero.

Thanks to Nancy, I have been deep in the last book from the twilight series "Breaking Dawn".
She saved the day. The book was no where to be borrowed or found here in this little town. She was already in Reno so I asked, almost begged if she could pick me up a copy.
I owe her a lot. My family on the other hand, will probably curse you....
I have avoided almost everything I could possible avoid.
Seriously, if you are on the fence about reading these books, get off your booty and go and get the first one.
Not only is the story really good, the characters are....what's the word I am looking for.... I had it... it was on the tip of my tongue... Crap, oh pardon my french.
Anyway, they are lovable and thrilling.
It is just one of the best stories I have read. I do read a lot. Yes, Katie can read. and most of the time spell.
Okay, there is my ADD side. It came out and I got side tracked.
I wanted to post before I got back into the book.
You may not hear from me until Friday.
Goodnight from Forks, Washington.
(If you are not a Twilight fan... you will not get it.)


Kaci said...

I'm so glad you found book 4. I just finished book 2 last night and I am going to have to force myself to take a very sad break...I have a test in my statistics class, a major project in my Early Childhood Education class and I am supposed to teach on Sunday...I am really sad for the forced break. :( But, starting Monday...I'm going straight back to Forks!

Anonymous said...

What a tribute!!! Just trying to be a good friend even though I don't share your obsession...not yet anyway. I want to see a picture of you girls with your red scarves at the showing on your blog.