Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Sunday story: A good day.

A miracle has happened.
Today was good.
Don't get me wrong it wasn't perfect, but it was good.
The boys were not excited about going to church, but they didn't complain and whine about it.
They were slow going but they got ready. And the older ones helped the younger ones. (of course I had to ask, but still they did it)
We were late of course, but only for the fact that I forgot to put some of the church clothes in the dryer.
All my fault.
Yes, the one Sunday my boys are being good, and I forget.
Maybe that is why.
Maybe them being so good, threw me off.
I was also having and extra nauseous day.
The boys have been good after church.
Jeff got overtime last night and they let him off a little early. So he was home after church. (he usually works 8am to 4pm) It was a nice surprise and it helped with the boys. They miss him when he isn't here.
All the church clothes got put away with out fighting, Emma went down for a nap without screaming, everyone got lunch with out whining.
Now we get to spend the rest of the day, until dinner, watching movies and hanging out.
And this week I wanna hang with them.
I guess the FHE we had last week about not complaining about going to church helped.
Hopefully this will last.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

take it while ya can girl Dallen complained this morning and would not get ready so I gave up and left him home with eddie - so dallen won today