Monday, March 2, 2009

Rain, Rain

Rain, rain, go away.
Please come again another day.
I need my boys to go out and play.

Instead come back as cold, white fluffy snow.
That would be better you know.

Okay, I have never been good at poems.
I really like the gloominess of the rain.
It makes me want to slow down and stay inside.
Get all cozy with a blanket and a good movie.
I would really, really, really like snow. (big surprise I know).
We haven't been sledding this season.
It would be nice if the boys had something to look forward to than all this muddy, wet, puddle mess.
So I ask everyone to think white, fluffy, cold snow.
Just one more time.


Lively's said...

It looks like your poem-prayer worked!

Danielle said...

well looks like ya got what ya wanted - we sorta - out here it is rain and snow LOL

Katie said...

Be careful what you wish for huh?