Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bah, Humbug.

Yep, I caught the Humbug.
No, I really don't want to talk about... but I will.
Just to share the bug.

I am:
Confused and hurt about something - same old same old
Completely irritated at the boys - I hate vacation.
So tired - I can't even tell you.
Homesick - I want to cry.
Stressed - about money ... I heard some news today, about work and what might happen because Jeff is a state employee. Stupid Arnold.
And stressed about getting all my Christmas stuff done. I can see the end of the tunnel....
I just found out the boys all want Star wars guys for Christmas. WHAT THE HECK!
I don't want to take anything back and I don't want to buy anything else. I hope they won't be sad.
Now, I understand why my Mom was so cranky around Christmas.
The only thing cheering me up is my new candle. Cachet candle - White Christmas. (see my friend Danielle's blog)
And the fact that Jeff is home, cranky and willing to yell at the boys and keep them in line.
Anyone else caught the "humbug"?

**edited** We had a blast at the Dodges. We played the Newly Wed Game. Jeff and I were losing for a LONG while, but we kicked butt in the end.
I always leave a party like that thinking..."why did I say that?" or "why can't I be funnier?"
Or "I am such a dork, they won't be asking me back anytime soon."
I am still, hours later, shaking my head..."that was dumb...."
I really hate that.
Jaquelle doesn't blog much...but I wanted to say Thank You... it was so much fun. Thanks for making me play.


tylersgirl said...

humbug! seriously.
i went shopping with tyler thursday and i was in the worst mood. the only good part was running into my friends.
i made tyler miserable too. he told me yesterday.

and the party thing. I do that everyday with every conversation. but then I remember, I can not change it so i force myself not to think about it.

the jensens said...

Don't even think about trying to impress anyone, your a sweety and I love you, just the way you are. bring the boys over tomarrow and we'll talk it out.